Mushii Kloth Mushii Kloth

Test the process, Ss2024

Product testing process has begun.

The KLOTH x LAB process is a product development step that requires pushing sample products and beta items to the limits, learning deficiencies to know how to improve quality and identity durability issues. Rural area testing involves putting products through an applied application process that introduces the harsh temperature, weight capacity, stress, and element challenges. This also includes feedback of items on areas that should be prioritized during the prototype process.

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Mushii Kloth Mushii Kloth

Design & Innovation Projects

Patents are currently in development to design outdoor landscaping, furniture, and engineed transportation projects that enhance productivity, based on sustainable solutions, necessary to balance the complexity and enjoyment of rural area living.

This project is apart of a five year development plan to design prototypes, in pairing with feasibility models that determine how to apply these designs for consumer needs.

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Connell Initiative Group Connell Initiative Group

Now on Instagram

mushii kloth® social media has been re-added, with Kloth Ltd. as an additional account. As more online presence is developed and designed for project and product announcements, feel free to follow.


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Connell Initiative Group Connell Initiative Group

First official Online Sale

March 29, 2024 was officially the first online sale for mushii kloth® and 11th Mile Elk. Looking forward to more customer engagement and package design experimentation.

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Connell Initiative Group Connell Initiative Group

Patents In Progress

At least more two patents are being submitted for a design and utility patent., One utility patent has already been submitted for footwear already under review. Technical drawings are currently in progress to ensure patent eligibility is clear for further use.

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